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Descrizione del video:

The genesis of the project is seeking an organic system configured to respond to organizational laws dependents of program, location, energy and materiality of the project.

The dictatorship of the sun will not be the trigger for the project, but rather a tool that will be part of the decisions that will improve their ability to adapt to multiple situations that may be appearing.
To locate the system and make it physical, a point cloud is determined and its density, orientation, geometry, location and relationship will need to respond to the necessities and objectives to be achieved in the project.
Natural organizational systems are taken as reference in the proryect that have already been tested and whose expectations of adaptability accomplish the objectives.
These systems are defined on the one hand, by the elements that determine the borders between the built pieces and are defined by VORONOIS, and that the others are determined by the internal triangulations of each of the elements by the DELAUNAYS.

Aggiunto 17 Nov 2017