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Regions of Denmark

Giocato 5,222 volte

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Dettagli del Gioco

Regions of Denmark is an easy map game for you to memorize. Denmark is known as the happiest country in the world. As a country with no hills, that is easy to believe since you never have to ride your bike uphill. Whether you are interested in the geography of Denmark or you simply have to test to study for, this is the map game for you. There are only 5 regions of Denmark that you will have memorized in no time. Do you know where Syddanmark is? If you don’t, then don’t worry! This game is all about repetition and it will teach you the regions in no time. Play it as often as you need to in order to drill into your head the beautiful regions of Denmark.

Categoria: Giochi di abilità
Aggiunto 16 Feb 2021