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Logic Gates

Giocato 2,773 volte

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Dettagli del Gioco

Logic Gates is a cool logic signal flow game that challenges you to lead signals in order to turn on the green light. The dynamics are more simple than they seem. You either send a signal or don't. The challenge is to figure out which lights to turn on and which to turn off, so that the signals pass through the correct gates. The “and” gates need two green lights to send a new signal. The “or” gates need one light turn on and one off, in order to send a new signal. Finally, the “nor” gates must not receive any green light in order to send a signal. The true challenge begins once the gates start crossing paths. Start switching those green and red buttons to figure it out. There are lots of levels waiting for you to solve. Enjoy playing this puzzle game here at!

Aggiunto 27 May 2024